Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Blue Balls

It's Tuesday.  Election Day.  What does that mean?


It's that magical bi-daily festival of everyone running out into the park and fucking up the habitats and lives of the insects that live there.  Also, it's a fairly effective way to fill up your Pokedex, but not fill up your PC boxes.

Sadly, you only get to bring in one Pokemon as your tool to catch these elusive little bugs, but it's WAY better than the Safari Zone.  Especially when it comes to catching Scythers.

I opted to go with Vulpix on this one because she'd be right around the level to fuck these bugs up, but not totally overpower them, so it would be fairly easy to catch them.  Here's a rundown of what happened:

Oh shit, a Caterpie! They aren't anywhere else in Silver! I need it! It will evolve into a Butterfree and those fucking rule! YAY, I CAUGHT IT!

Oh shit, a Metapod! They aren't anywhere else in Silver! I need it! It will evolve even FASTER into a Butterfree and those fucking rule! YAY, I CAUGHT IT! Fuck you, Caterpie!

Oh...it's a Paras.  Umm...I guess I'll just catch it and let it go again...

Get the fuck out of here, Paras.


CAAAAUUUUUUUGHT! You can chill out with me until I find a Scyther, or--

A Butterfree.  In the wild.  Ready to be caught without needing to level anyone.

Of course, the fucking thing DESTROYS my Vulpix with Stun Spore and Confusion over and over, so I walk out of there with a second-place prize and a Pinsir.  Not a bad day, but I'm gonna get me that Scyther.


I caught four Pokemon in that contest, but I only got to keep one.  That's not very productive.  I need to feel productive!

Let me just explain something about how I play these games for the blog:

I play at work, 9 times out of 10, on my breaks.  I can get a lot of the plot accomplished and a lot of the grinding done because it doesn't take very long and it's boring as shit, so if I don't end up with a big workload one day, I can get a lot of playing in.  However, there's only so much you can do and only so far you can level before you come across a gym battle, and I don't usually have a way of recording what happens during that battle.  Therefore, I am halted in my progress and can't go any further in the game.

Today, I fucking BLAZED through the trainers in the Ecruteak City Gym and got right up to Morty, but I wasn't prepared for a gym battle break-down.  I ended up going all the way to Olivine City, picking up HM 04 Strength for Pinsir, running around collecting Berries to give to the MooMoo Farm Miltank so I could get the Snore TM, and catching every fucking Pokemon within a five mile radius.

Of course, you can't get to Ecruteak City without passing through this fucker right here:

Generation-II's answer to Snorlax, the new Hey-You-Can't-Go-There-Because-This-Asshole-Won't-Let- You Pokemon.  I wonder who they'll get for that role in Generation-III.  I haven't played it yet, and I know nothing about it, so don't say a fucking word.  Based on the first two games, I can predict the following about all other generations:

1) Starters a Fire-type, Water-type, and a Grass-type minimum; secondary types apply later
2) You have to run some errand where you get the Pokedex first before you get Pokeballs
3) There's always a cave between the first gym-city and the second gym-city
4) There's always a day-care on the way to the third city
5) The first Flying-type you encounter is usually the best overall Normal/Flying Pokemon in that generation
6) There's always a fucking rodent Pokemon that can be found ANYWHERE and he's oftentimes shitty
7) There's always some Pokemon that blocks your progress to other cities and won't budge unless you have the move-that-Pokemon item
8) Your rival is usually the final "boss"
9) There is a trio of legendary Pokemon SOMEWHERE in the game
10) There's one Pokemon in the game that is "designed" to be caught with the Master Ball, and is usually the strongest Pokemon in that generation and shows up somewhere at the very end of the game as sort of a thanks-for-playing

Anyway, I got way into leveling certain Pokemon after I discovered that Ecruteak City Gym was the Ghost-type gym, so we had a few evolutions on the team.

Bellsprout finally became half-way respectable.  Now, the evolution-timing is utterly controlled by my whims.  This guy is going to be my champion Grass-type, so he needs Solar Beam and Giga Drain before becoming a Victreebel.  And speaking of Pokemon who will evolve at my whims...

YEAH! Sadly, it doesn't matter that Bill fixed the Time Capsule; I can't trade him over to a first-gen game because he knows Mean Look, and I need that shit for the runaround legendaries.  Since nobody I know has a working second-gen game, I guess he and Kadabra are staying as is, which is fine, because these two are on my "Top 6 Favorites" list for Generation-I and not their evolved forms, so whatever.

By the way...you have to get all the way to Ecruteak City before you can trade with a Generation-I game.

You couldn't fix that shit in Cherrywood, Bill? What the fuck have you been doing all this time? You change yourself into a Clefairy again? CUT THAT SHIT OUT! Don't touch that machine.  Don't do it.  Bad things.

After the evolutions, I got bored and started catching everything within a five-mile radius of Ecruteak City.

Not excited about him, per se, but it does allow be to release Rattata and never have to worry about this shit again.

I was excited about this guy, though.  He throws money.  That shit's awesome.  Also, he wasn't in Red version, so I get excited at Pokemon I couldn't catch during "The Return to Red".

This guy...I don't know if I like him or not yet.  He's sort of that weird Normal-but-should-be-something-else-type Pokemon that I always kind of feel is useful to have.  I want him to be Psychic, but...whatever.  Get in the computer.

Oh shit! I could use this! Electric/Steel will be fantastic against Jasmine as sort of a fight-fire-with-fire situation.

So okay, let's remember the key three for Olivine City: Fire, Electric, and Fighting.  I don't have a Fighting-type yet, but Sudowoodo knows Low Kick, and that could help.  Then again, he's just gonna be what Haunter and Kadabra are gonna be for Morty: glass cannons.  But hey, a glass cannon that fire's first is still good for my team.  Geodude will be the same way.  Vulpix would be pretty handy, but what I need is another Fire-type to seal the deal--


Shit, I'm catching a Meowth, a Pinsir, and a Magmar today? Give me a Sandshrew from the Game Corner and I'm pretty much covered on Blue-exclusive Pokemon, 'cause I already got a Vulpix and a Weepinbell.

This episode shall be entitled "Balls into Blue: A Generation-II Completion of 'The Return to Red: A Generation-I Adventure'".


Haunter, lvl 25
Kadabra, lvl 24
Croconaw, lvl 22
Weepinbell, lvl 21
Geodude*, lvl 20
Flaaffy, lvl 20

Pokedex: 38, Badges: 3

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