Sunday, November 4, 2012

Why Does This Town Have A Gym?

Well...that wasn't much of a cave at all, was it?

Literally, it was one floor with a tiny little sub-basement, and it was maybe less than 30 steps in a straight line from beginning to end.  Also, ran into another shiny Geodude.  What is up with this fucking cave? Every other Geodude is shiny.  The first one was thrilling, but I just feel like I'm wasting the shiny percentages now.

If I found a shiny Onix, I'd have shat myself.  Didn't though, but I love the regular ones even more now because they EVOLVE INTO METAL DEATH! It's too bad you're only level 6...because it's gonna suck letting you go when I find a more powerful one.'s my official stance:

If a Pokemon is under level 20, it is disposable.  You can find one stronger in the wild.  However, if you train one above level 20, you've already invested too much time, so deal with it.  You two have bonded.

Azalea Town.  This is the first time a "town" received its own gym.  Pewter CITY.  Cerulean CITY.  Vermillion CITY.  Celadon CITY.  Fuschia CITY.  Saffron CITY.

Cinnabar...Cin...Cinnabar Island...


Viridian CITY.  Violet CITY.

Then...fucking Azalea TOWN.  Do you want to know why towns don't get gyms? They are too fucking small.  Pewter City had two houses and about seven residents.  Same deal with Lavender Town and New Bark Town.  Will you look at this shit?

Kurt and the charcoal dudes.  That's it with regard to housing.  I guess everyone else fucking commutes.  TEAM ROCKET outnumbers the citizens of Azalea Town, and Christ Almighty, there's only like four of them!

Ugh.  But this still makes Pallet and New Bark look like a fucking hole in the ground.

Kurt's working on a White Apricorn, which turns into a...

...shit.  I completely forgot the apricorn conversions.  Actually, while we're on the topic, I don't know the new type chart.

Alright...what has changed...

Dark is super-effective against Ghost and Psychic
Dark is strong against Ghost and Dark
Dark is immune to Pyschic
Dark is shit against Fighting, Steel, and Dark
Dark is weak to Fighting and Bug

Steel is super-effective against Rock and Ice
Steel is strong against Normal, Flying, Rock, Bug, Ghost, Steel, Grass, Psychic, Ice, Dragon, and Dark
Steel is immune to Poison
Steel is shit against Steel, Fire, Water, and Electric
Steel is weak to Fighting, Ground, and Fire


Holy fucking shit, Steel! WHAT ARE YOU!?!? Goddamn it, Olivine City is gonna be a sandy handy.

A "sandy handy", by the way, is a hand-job from a hand with a texture similar to sand-paper.

Because shit! I don't have a single Fire-type, nor a single Fighting-type, and I only have Geodude, weak-ass Onix and Flaaffy to weaken the Electric attacks.

That's right.  Mareep evolved into a Scotsman's wet dream.  Arguably to most effeminate second-gen Pokemon out there...if you don't count the baby Pokemon.  And, of course, mine is male.

And since Mareep evolved, I opted for a little grinding in the Ilex Forest--

OH SHIT! Whatshisface! Wow...I was...really not expecting you...and my team is not really up to fighting right now--

FUCK! Well, here we go!

Dude had three Pokemon.  That was it.  He had a Baleef, a Zubat, and a Gastly.  That's a pretty evil combo, considering it nearly wiped my team.  What threw me the most was that I didn't expect him to put Bayleef into the ring right after the first opponent.  I forgot that trainers in Generation-II don't necessarily obey the same order as they are lined up in the roster.  However, the numbers prevailed and this two-dimensional shit-bag ran off into the woods.

And, as a celebration, Totodile decided to become ugly.

Seriously...this is probably the ugliest second-stage Pokemon out there.  Ivysaur is a vicious-looking, Charmeleon is a boss, Wartortle is slick as hell, Bayleef is sexy, Quilava looks evil, Grovyle looks elegant, Combusken is stupid-yet-fierce, Marshtomp has this dopey-cute quality, Grotle looks solid, Monferno looks pretty beast, Prinplup looks like he's just gonna take care of all this shit, Servine looks shifty as hell, Pignite is adorable, and Dewott looks very focused.

This ugly fuck, however...ugh.

Okay...I'm just about ready for the gym.  Let's go.

Croconaw, lvl 18
Pidgey, lvl 17
Flaaffy, lvl 16
Bellsprout, lvl 16
Spearow, lvl 15
Hoothoot, lvl 15

Pokedex: 21, Badges: 1

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