Thursday, November 15, 2012

It Eats Ghosts

Alright...the Lake of Rage has been purged of the dangerous Gyarados that was rampaging about, Team Rocket has been expelled from Mahogany Town, and all the trainers of Pryce's gym have been defeated.  There's only one thing left to do now...


Seriously, this may be my favorite thing in Generation-II.  I believe it has something to do with them fixing the bullshit in the Safari Zone where you can't bring Pokemon, fight Pokemon, or use your own balls.  Granted, you have to use Park Balls here, but it's better than nothing.

Came in 3rd place with a level 18 Caterpie, so there was much grinding to be done to reach my ultimate goal.

I'm gonna have to play some catch-up with Butterfree, since I missed the chance for him to learn Confusion at level 10, Poisonpowder at level 13, Stun Spore at level 14, Sleep Powder at level 15, and Supersonic at level 18.  Wow...this Butterfree is terrible.  I taught him Attract, so that could help slightly...but all he knows is Tackle and String Shot.  Gust and Psybeam will be okay once I get them, but he may need to learn Hyper Beam in order for me not to euthanize it.

Ran into a few other friends from Generation-I on my way over to the National Park.

Goldeen! You know what that means...

Also, I figured out that Mount Mortar is actually accessible, but it's small as shit.  However, there's promise within...

Machop means Machoke, and Machoke means Brock can suck a dick when I get back to Kanto.  SUCK A DICK, BROCK! SUCK A DIIIIIIIIIIIICK!

And then there's--

OH SHIT, IT'S A GIRAFARIGIRAFARIGIRAFARIG! Hmm...I always forget when to stop the palindrome.  Fun fact: this Pokemon is not a palindrome, as it is not the same left-to-right as it is right-to-left.  Another fun fact: this thing eats ghosts.  Only Dark-type attacks are super-effective against him, and there aren't a lot of those.

It eats ghosts.

Feraligatr, lvl 33
Heracross, lvl 30
Flaaffy, lvl 29
Magmar, lvl 27
Vulpix, lvl 24
Weepinbell, lvl 23

Pokedex: 53, Badges: 6

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