Wednesday, December 12, 2012

In Search Of Closure

Why do I feel...incomplete? I've beaten all eight gyms in Johto, I've beaten the Elite Four, I've tracked down all the legendary Pokemon and captured them, I've even travelled to Kanto and defeated their gym leaders.  What is there left to do?

I don't want to catch all 251 Pokemon because it would be impossible, not having access to Celebi or Mew, and trading for all of them would take way too much time.

This is so weird...I only started feeling this way after my battle with Fuck, I.

It's funny...when I played through Red Version, Fuck, I never caught a Venusaur or a Blastoise, he evolved his Pikachu into Raichu and his Eevee into Vaporeon, and had a lot better Pokemon to use that got seemingly ignored.  Where was his Articuno that destroyed Lance of the Elite Four? Where was his Alakazam that brought him the victory over Fag-Bag? Where was the legendary Zapdos that obliterated  Sabrina's unstoppable Alakazam? Why, when I was Fuck, I, I had a lot more-- god.

That's it.  That's it, isn't it?! That's what Sabrina meant! I don't have the feeling of defeating Fuck, I because I didn't really defeat him...because I am Fuck, I! I have his true Charizard, his Zapdos, his Articuno, his Alakazam, his Mewtwo, his Vaporeon and all his other Pokemon locked away in my Red Version cartridge! I won't be able to get the feeling of true completion until I defeat the real Fuck, all his true power.

But that can never happen...I don't have a link-cable or an extra Gameboy.  Even if I did, I wouldn't be able to pit Sandy against Fuck, I because of the cross-generation obstacles; the Red Version wouldn't know how to handle seeing an Ampharos, know how Shadow Ball works, understand the concept of held items, or any of the new developments in the later Pokemon games.

That sucks.  I was really hoping to get some closure on this, but if the game is done and there's nothing left to do, then the only thing to do now is put the Silver Version away and look up what they're charging for  used Generation-III game.  Let me just put the cartridge in the drawer and--

What's this?

Oh wow! I haven't seen a Nintendo 64 Transfer Pak in ages! Too bad it only ever worked with Pokemon Stadium; it might have been cool if--



If I can get my hands on another Transfer Pak, I can hook up my Red Version and my Silver Version into a single, third-party engine and use Fuck, I's roster and Sandy's roster simultaneously through different players! The true battle-of-the-champions can happen!!!

I stopped playing Red Version as frequently as I was when I started this chapter of the blog, so Sandy's Pokemon are at a much higher level than most of Fuck, I's.  Also, they haven't yet created a way to equalize the levels on the battlefield, so it wouldn't be a fair fight.  This means I have to set down a few rules in order to make sure the fight is fair.

RULE ONE:   This will be a six-on-six battle consisting of no less than six rounds and no more than eleven rounds; the battle is to be fought within Prime Cup regulations, meaning that no Pokemon is banned from battling.

RULE TWO:   No Pokemon may possess held items that may heal it mid-battle or increase its power in any way.

RULE THREE:   No Pokemon may switch out of battle once it has been called forth unless it faints and is no longer able to battle.

RULE FOUR:   No trainer may use items during the battle to heal his Pokemon, as the game does not factor in player inventory.

RULE FIVE:   Each Pokemon in the combatants' teams shall be trained up to the level of the strongest Pokemon intended for use and no Pokemon shall exceed that level upon the day of battle.

RULE SIX:   A trainer is considered the winner of the battle when all of his opponents Pokemon have fainted and are unable to battle.  The trainer who wins two out of three battles wins the match and is considered the victor.

RULE SEVEN:   The players controlling Fuck, I and Sandy will switch roles at the end of each battle to ensure fair gameplay and dispersal of technique.  A coin will be tossed to determine who starts as which trainer.

That's it, you guys.  There isn't going to be much more to talk about in Silver, other than leveling or breeding certain Pokemon to get their new evolutions, so I'm going to call it a night on Generation-II.  But don't you worry, I'm far from done! Be sure to look for the ultimate battle between Fuck, I and Sandy, as well as other amazing adventures that I've never even seen before in my next blog...

"The Expansion to Emerald: A Generation-III Adventure"!

Thanks for coming along for the ride down Nostalgia Lane, internet, and I hope you'll be there right alongside me as I experience all the new shit they added to the game since my fourteen year old self thought the new Pokemon games were "stupid" and decided not to play them.

I really hope they don't suck...

Fuck, I...

Mount Silver: Fuck, I, the Underdog-Turned-Master

Holy shit, the time has finally come.  Brace yourselves...


Sandy's Feraligatr, lvl 61     vs.     Fuck, I's Pikachu, lvl 81

You've got to be fucking kidding me with this! Level 81 right off the bat?! Jesus Christ!

Pikachu used Charm.  Oh shit...he's not looking at taking me out here with Pikachu; he's looking at crippling me for the later battles!

Earthquake knocks out Pikachu in one shot, despite Feraligatr's Attack stat dropping severely.  It isn't going to be this easy from here on out...


Sandy's Magmar, lvl 58     vs.     Fuck, I's Venusaur, lvl 77

I know I have the advantage here on speed, but I have to take this leafy tank out A.S.A.P.!

Fire Blast hits, but doesn't quite knock Venusaur out--

It's taking in sunlight.  I'm glad I didn't take the gambit with Sunny Day, but now I have to take him out right now or it's gonna be over for Magmar.

Flamethrower does the job! Great going, Magmar! Let's keep the trend going.


Sandy's Kadabra, lvl 58     vs.     Fuck, I's Umbreon, lvl 73

Alright, I've seen how tough Karen's Umbreon was, so Espeon must be equally tough.  Good thing Kadabra is fast as--

Psychic hits Kadabra! Despite not being very effective, he's down to 75/145 health?! Holy shit!!!

Kadabra slams into Espeon with Shadow Ball, but it only takes away a third of its health.  Kadabra, you can't survive this battle if we use the regular techniques; we have to go a little unorthodox.

Max Potion.  Let's buy us some time and hope he uses Reflect to give us some attack time.

Psychic hits twice consecutively and Kadabra is out cold! Uh oh...I better think about this.  I've still got four Max Revives and a few Full Restores from when I was going to take on the Elite Four, so I may have to change strategies.


Sandy's Ampharos, lvl 60     vs.     Fuck, I's Espeon, lvl 73

Ampharos packs a solid punch, but I don't know if he can take Espeon out.  The best I can do is use him to get Espeon weakened.

Psychic nearly levels Ampharos, leaving him at 83/209 health.  Let's put all our eggs in the accuracy basket for this one, Ampharos...

THUNDER HITS! But Espeon is still hanging on, albeit from a thread?!?

Psychic hits again and Ampharos is down for the count.  I don't need a heavy hitter for this next round...just someone fast enough.


Sandy's Pidgeot, lvl 58     vs.     Fuck, I's Espeon, lvl 73

Even Pidgeot isn't fast enough to get the first shot and Espeon knocks it down to 45/200 health.  Come on, buddy! You can do this!

Wing Attack lands and Espeon finally goes down! This is getting much more difficult by the second.


Sandy's Pidgeot, lvl 58     vs.     Fuck, I's Blastoise, lvl 77

I don't expect a miracle here from you, Pidgeot...but hang in there as long as you can.  Ampharos can take him out, so I have to use the first move to use a Max Revive on Ampharos.  Just hang in there.

Blizzard misses, but this is bad news for Pidgeot if this attack hits.

Pidgeot, fly up quickly! Blastoise misses his next Blizzard and Pidgeot dives into Blastoise, taking away a third of it's health.

Blizzard finally hits and Pidgeot is a goner.  You did well, old friend.  I won't be needing you for the rest of this fight, so rest up.


Sandy's Ampharos, lvl 60     vs.     Fuck, I's Blastoise, lvl 77

Blastoise isn't about to use Blizzard again, not on Ampharos, so let's see what else he has in his repertoire...

Whirlpool! But it misses! Ampharos...focus now...focus...


Oh no...


Sandy's Magmar, lvl 58     vs     Fuck, I's Snorlax, lvl 75

This thing is a fucking tank, and since only Charizard remains after Snorlax, I can afford to lose Magmar in this fight, but not after doing some serious damage.

Sunny Day should help out Fire Blast on the next turn--

Amnesia...raises Special Defense! Oh, this just got a lot worse. Let's pray for that miracle now.

Fire Blast hits, but even with Sunny Day, it barely scratches Snorlax.  This is a problem.

Body Slam takes Magmar down to 29/164.  He won't survive another hit, so I have to risk it in order to cause confusion...

Dynamicpunch...misses.  It's not your fault Magmar; you did great.

Snorlax Body Slams Magmar and he's out cold.  Okay...think here...think...

I've got it!


Sandy's Ampharos, lvl 60     vs.     Fuck, I's Snorlax, lvl 75

It's another risky shot, but if this works, then I've got Snorlax on a ticking clock...

Zap Cannon hits! It doesn't do a lot of damage at all, but Snorlax is paralyzed, meaning he can't use Rest to regain health! Great job, Ampharos!

Body Slam takes Ampharos down to 95/209 and paralyzes it.  I can't let him fight if his speed is compromised.  I have to use another Full Restore.

Body Slam hits again, but only brings him down to 104/209 this time.  Let's see what we can do, Ampharos.

Thunder hits again, but Snorlax still has just about half of his health left.  Don't worry, buddy; I'll bring you back soon.

Body Slam.  Ampharos is out.  I have to bring the pain here.


Sandy's Feraligatr, lvl 61     vs.     Fuck, I's Snorlax, lvl 75

This is becoming a marathon battle.  Fortunately for me, Feraligatr is my strongest Pokemon when it comes to Defense stats, so he can take the abuse from Snorlax.  I'll use one of my three remaining Max Revives on Ampharos.

Body Slam takes Feraligatr down to...139/214.  He's still in the green--

Wait a minute! That's it! It takes three Body Slams to take out Feraligatr with Snorlax's current strength, so I can use of Feraligatr's two turns before he faints to heal while the other one can be used to pound into Snorlax...and if Snorlax can't Rest if he's still paralyzed, I can take him out in just a few more rounds!

Earthquake takes Snorlax into yellow health finally.  His Special Defense might has risen sharply from Amnesia, but I can still attack his regular Defense!

The second Body Slam hits and Feraligatr is down to 59/214 health.  Time to heal up.

The Full Restore brings Feraligatr back to full, but the incoming Body Slam knocks him down to 129/214.  I'm playing it really close here.

Earthquake tears Snorlax apart and he's into deep red health.  One more and he's done.

Body Slam...critically hits and Feraligatr is out?!?! Oh shit!!!

We're down to the wire now...


Sandy's Ampharos, lvl 60     vs.     Fuck, I's Snorlax, lvl 75

Ampharos, you're the only one fast enough to hit him that I trust can land the shot.  Besides, you have a score to settle...

Thunderpunch hits! SNORLAX GOES DOWN!

Alright...we're at the sixth and final Pokemon and I don't think Ampharos can take him, so I'm sorry pal, but I need you to take one more hit for me.


Sandy's Ampharos, lvl 60     vs.     Fuck, I's Charizard, lvl 77

I have to use the Max Revive on Feraligatr for this one.  If anyone can take out Charizard, it's Feraligatr.  Ampharos, you've made me very proud...

Flamethrower hits twice consecutively and Ampharos goes down.  Alright...time to end this.


Sandy's Feraligatr, lvl 61     vs.     Fuck, I's Charizard, lvl 77

I can't let this ride all on Feraligatr, as much as I'd like to, so I'm using my final Max Revive back on Ampharos and hoping for the best.  If Water can't beat Fire, then Electric can try against Flying.  Jynx is my absolute last resort, since Ice is only going to be normally effective against Fire/Flying, but Charizard is going to be super-effective against her.  I hope this works...

Flamethrower hits for critical damage and takes Feraligatr down to 96/214!!! Goddamn! We gotta shake this off and start over with a Full Restore!

Fire Spin comes next and only takes Feraligatr down to 203/214, 190/214 with the after-burn.

Alrighty, let's hit this guy with a--

Charizard attacks AGAIN?!? Oh shit! I forgot from my fight with Lance that Charizard is way faster than Feraligatr, especially when he's got the level-advantage.  Feraligatr is now down to 130/214.

Alright, Feraligatr...I've had just about enough of this guy.  Show him why we're the reigning Champions of the Pokemon League!

Hydro Pump hits and slaps Charizard down into the deep red portion of his health! Yeah! Now, we just have to survive the incoming onslaught...

Fire Spin burns down to 117/214.  We can't risk the onslaught without a little help, so take the last Full Restore, Feraligatr.

Charizard responds that round with Flamethrower and takes Feraligatr down to 149/214.  Fire Spin then burns him down to 136/214.

We can end it here, Feraligatr.  Get ready to use Surf after his next attack...if we can survive it...

Flamethrower hits at the top of the round...and we're still in the game at 69/214! WE'RE STILL IN THIS!!! NOW, FERALIGATR!!!!!! SURF!!!!!!

The health is going...













We...we did it guys...we've won.

Yet somehow...I don't feel like we've won.

Not yet, anyhow...

Feraligatr, lvl 61
Ampharos, lvl 60
Jynx, lvl 59
Kadabra, lvl 58
Magmar, lvl 58
Pidgeot, lvl 58

Pokedex: 92, Badges: 16

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Coming Full Circle

So, apparently, nobody in Pallet Town knows where Fuck, I is.  The only thing for me in that little village is an arrangement with Professor Oak to go check shit out on Mount Silver, where apparently only really strong trainers go because of the powerful wild Pokemon out there.

Wait! That's it! Fuck, I must be somewhere on Mount Silver!

Let's rock and roll guys--!'re probably wondering why my Pokedex suddenly exploded full of Pokemon.  Let me explain: I was running very behind on my recording of my adventures, but I had all the photos I was going to use just sitting on my computer, so, for a while, I was just hedging around while on my breaks, catching, training, and breeding Pokemon for an upcoming meet-up with someone with a link-cable.

Here's what you've missed...or rather, what I've neglected to mention:

Ran into one of these bad mama-jammas in the Rock Tunnel and decided to nab it.  And in case you were wondering, I did end up training Cubone in my Red Version up to its evolution point, so Cubone the Marowak is a thing now.

I didn't get a chance yet to evolve my Ponyta, but fortunately, there are wild Rapidashes right outside of Mount Silver.  Personally, I feel that because I won't be able to trade any of my Pokemon into the later generations from my old-ass games, the Pokedex carries over, so this will count towards catching Rapidash in both Red and Silver, as well as all subsequent games.

Caught me this little guy in the waters around where I caught Rapidash...and this fucker was at level 40.  That's easy to handle, considering all I have to do is walk into the cave and battle just a few equal-levelled Rock/Ground-types and boom!

Red Version will get the Poliwrath, but I'm gonna save this bad boy for the trading session so I can get me a Politoed.  Speaking of easy evolutions...

It's about goddamned time I evolved my Hoothoot! It's been there since Falkner and I don't usually play at night, so I haven't even gotten the chance to find a Noctowl in the wild.  But now, I feel a little bit better about myself as a trainer having come back to give this guy what he deserves.

This guy was actually an interesting story: I'm trying to find a Lickitung so that Bill's grandfather can start giving me evolution stones, but I can't fucking find the tall grass on Route 44, so I start Headbutting trees until I find one.  These things kept falling out, so I said, "Screw it" and nabbed one.

Little did I know that you had to Surf through the water to find the tall grass.  The amount of times I circled that fucking pond on my bike was staggering...and for all this trouble, I only got an Everstone.  I have four of them, old man.  Cut the shit out.  I want something awesome, but apparently, I need to find an Oddish for that to happen.

I caught him for no other reason than he was there.  I've always liked Nidorino...probably because he's the first Pokemon you ever see when you turned on your Generation-I game.  Sure, Gengar was there too, but you didn't know it was him until much later.  But really, the only reason I was in Nidorino's area to begin with was because of this guy:

If I continue playing this game after I beat the main plot arch, I'm just going to work on friendship evolutions and breeding, so Golbat, Chansey, and two Eevees are at the top of my list for Pokemon to occupy my active roster.

Also, him.  So much him.  Rather...her, because the females show up five levels higher than the males in Mount Silver.  The team is going to be Larvitar, Dragonair, Chansey, Eevee, Golbat, and whatever egg happens to need hatching at the moment.  Solid team.  Not as solid as my team now, but what are you gonna do when you want to maximize your Pokemon output? You gotta bite the bullet and use the pussies until they become the biggest monsters in the game.

Now, there's only one place left to go in the game, and to claim my spot as undisputed champion of all things Pokemon in both the Johto and Kanto regions, I have to find Fuck, I and beat him.'s gonna be a long journey.

I'm curious still about what the fuck Sabrina was talking about when she said that I was Fuck, I.  I know everyone calls him "Red" now because of all the red he wears, but he's a legend! He caught all three legendary birds, he tamed Mewtwo, defeated the Elite Four with massively under-levelled Pokemon.  Hell, I don't even know if I could find him in here, let alone defeat him.

I know, I'll ask that guy up there!

Excuse me, sir, but would you happen to know where I might be able to find Fuck, I, the former Pokemon League Champion--?

Feraligatr, lvl 61
Ampharos, lvl 60
Jynx, lvl 59
Kadabra, lvl 58
Magmar, lvl 58
Pidgeot, lvl 58

Pokedex: 92, Badges: 16

Unfinished Business

SANDY: sure is dark in here--

WOMAN:   Hello again, Fuck, I.

SANDY:   Wha--who said that?!

WOMAN:   I've been waiting for you.  Three years I've waited, but've returned.

SANDY:   ...Sabrina?

SABRINA:   The years have not been kind to you, Fuck, I.

SANDY:   My name is Sandy.  Fuck, I hasn't been seen since he beat the Elite Four.

SABRINA:   You are Fuck, I, and you've come for a rematch.  Why else would you have come to my gym?

SANDY:   I'm here for the Marshbadge.  Also, what's with the little girl? She is creeping me the hell out.  Oh...wait...I've got this photo that Lance gave me.

SANDY:   Is the little

SABRINA:   The loss I suffered at your hands split my psyche into two distinct personalities, and now, we run this gym together.

SANDY:   Look, I'm really just here for the badge--

SABRINA:   Fuck, I came for the Marshbadge.  If that's what you want, then you must be him.

SANDY:   Uhh...okay...I'm just going to turn around and walk out the door.

SABRINA:   Oh, no you don't!

SABRINA:   You and I have unfinished business, Fuck, I!

( knew this song was coming, didn't you?)

Saffron City Gym: Sabrina, the Raving Lunatic


Sandy's Pidgeot, lvl 57     vs.     Sabrina's Espeon, lvl 46

SANDY:   If that's the way you want it, fine! Have at it!

(Pidgeot used Wing Attack.  Espeon is down to 1/4 health.)

SABRINA:   You'll not be able to knock my Pokemon out in a single shot, Fuck, I.  Not any longer!

(Espeon used Sand-Attack.)

SANDY:   Shake it off, Pidgeot! Take to the sky!

(Pidgeot flew up high.)

SABRINA:   You can't run from the powers of a master telepath and her Psychic Pokemon! Espeon, destroy that bird!

(Espeon used Psychic.  The attack missed.)

SANDY:   Out of range, Sabrina.  Now, Pidgeot! Bring down the hammer!

(Pidgeot used Fly.  Espeon has fainted.)

SABRINA:   Very good.  I see you are no longer hiding behind your Scyther or your Zapdos.  This shall be interesting indeed.


Sandy's Magmar, lvl 57     vs.     Sabrina's Mr. Mime, lvl 46

SABRINA:   Your Magmar...knows Dynamicpunch...and Fire Blast.  You fool; such pathetic accuracies for those attacks will leave you utterly at my mercy.

SANDY:   I wouldn't be so sure!

(Magmar used Fire Blast.  Mr. Mime has fainted.)

SABRINA:   You are Fuck, I.  Only he possesses that kind of power.  But now, your end has come!


Sandy's Kadabra, lvl 58     vs.     Sabrina's Alakazam, lvl 48

SABRINA:   Does my Alakazam look familiar to you, Fuck, I?


SABRINA:   When last we met, he was but a Kadabra.  However, the wounds your Zapdos inflicted on my Alakazam crippled him, forcing me to retire him from battling indefinitely.  Now, me new Alakazam has come here to exact vengeance...for his brother.

SANDY:   Just try, you crazy broad!

(Kadabra used Reflect.)

SABRINA:   Smart, but not exactly original.

(Alakazam used Reflect.)

SANDY:   You're planning on dragging this out, aren't you? Well, let's see what you've got!

(Kadabra used Shadow Ball.  Alakazam has barely over half of his health left.)

SABRINA:   Impressive! Your Kadabra knows a Ghost-type move, but it won't be enough to take down Alakazam.

(Alakazam used Psychic.  Kadabra has 110/145 health.)

SANDY:   You aren't going to survive this fight if all you are going to bring to the table is Psychic-type attacks.  I have the clear advantage.

(Kadabra used Shadow Ball.  Alakazam has nearly fainted.)

SABRINA:   I have a few tricks up my sleeve, Fuck, I.

(Alakazam used Psychic.  Kadabra has 79/145 health.  Sabrina used Hyper Potion on Alakazam.)

SANDY:   Interesting: getting the attack in and healing without having to waste your attack with Recover.  However, now, you've left yourself wide open!

SABRINA:   What?!

(Kadabra used Psychic.  Alakazam has less than half health.)

SANDY:   Your Alakazam's Special Defense has fallen, and now, I can take you down, even through the Reflect! Kadabra! End this!

(Kadabra used Shadow Ball.  Alakazam has fainted.)

SABRINA:   No...I've lost again...

SANDY:   I'm not just some scrub trainer.  I'm the Pokemon League Champion.  And I've told name is Sandy.

SABRINA: are Fuck, I...but you have yet to realize how.

SANDY:   What the hell are you talking about--just give me my Marshbadge, you weirdo.

(Sandy gets the fuck out of there.)

SANDY:   "I'm Fuck, I...but I don't know how."  What sort of nonsensical bullshit is that? Maybe I should investigate things in Pallet Town and see what's up.

Feraligatr, lvl 61
Ampharos, lvl 60
Jynx, lvl 59
Kadabra, lvl 58
Magmar, lvl 58
Pidgeot, lvl 58

Pokedex: 88, Badges: 16