Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Coming Full Circle

So, apparently, nobody in Pallet Town knows where Fuck, I is.  The only thing for me in that little village is an arrangement with Professor Oak to go check shit out on Mount Silver, where apparently only really strong trainers go because of the powerful wild Pokemon out there.

Wait! That's it! Fuck, I must be somewhere on Mount Silver!

Let's rock and roll guys--!

Oh...you're probably wondering why my Pokedex suddenly exploded full of Pokemon.  Let me explain: I was running very behind on my recording of my adventures, but I had all the photos I was going to use just sitting on my computer, so, for a while, I was just hedging around while on my breaks, catching, training, and breeding Pokemon for an upcoming meet-up with someone with a link-cable.

Here's what you've missed...or rather, what I've neglected to mention:

Ran into one of these bad mama-jammas in the Rock Tunnel and decided to nab it.  And in case you were wondering, I did end up training Cubone in my Red Version up to its evolution point, so Cubone the Marowak is a thing now.

I didn't get a chance yet to evolve my Ponyta, but fortunately, there are wild Rapidashes right outside of Mount Silver.  Personally, I feel that because I won't be able to trade any of my Pokemon into the later generations from my old-ass games, the Pokedex carries over, so this will count towards catching Rapidash in both Red and Silver, as well as all subsequent games.

Caught me this little guy in the waters around where I caught Rapidash...and this fucker was at level 40.  That's easy to handle, considering all I have to do is walk into the cave and battle just a few equal-levelled Rock/Ground-types and boom!

Red Version will get the Poliwrath, but I'm gonna save this bad boy for the trading session so I can get me a Politoed.  Speaking of easy evolutions...

It's about goddamned time I evolved my Hoothoot! It's been there since Falkner and I don't usually play at night, so I haven't even gotten the chance to find a Noctowl in the wild.  But now, I feel a little bit better about myself as a trainer having come back to give this guy what he deserves.

This guy was actually an interesting story: I'm trying to find a Lickitung so that Bill's grandfather can start giving me evolution stones, but I can't fucking find the tall grass on Route 44, so I start Headbutting trees until I find one.  These things kept falling out, so I said, "Screw it" and nabbed one.

Little did I know that you had to Surf through the water to find the tall grass.  The amount of times I circled that fucking pond on my bike was staggering...and for all this trouble, I only got an Everstone.  I have four of them, old man.  Cut the shit out.  I want something awesome, but apparently, I need to find an Oddish for that to happen.

I caught him for no other reason than he was there.  I've always liked Nidorino...probably because he's the first Pokemon you ever see when you turned on your Generation-I game.  Sure, Gengar was there too, but you didn't know it was him until much later.  But really, the only reason I was in Nidorino's area to begin with was because of this guy:

If I continue playing this game after I beat the main plot arch, I'm just going to work on friendship evolutions and breeding, so Golbat, Chansey, and two Eevees are at the top of my list for Pokemon to occupy my active roster.

Also, him.  So much him.  Rather...her, because the females show up five levels higher than the males in Mount Silver.  The team is going to be Larvitar, Dragonair, Chansey, Eevee, Golbat, and whatever egg happens to need hatching at the moment.  Solid team.  Not as solid as my team now, but what are you gonna do when you want to maximize your Pokemon output? You gotta bite the bullet and use the pussies until they become the biggest monsters in the game.

Now, there's only one place left to go in the game, and to claim my spot as undisputed champion of all things Pokemon in both the Johto and Kanto regions, I have to find Fuck, I and beat him.

...it's gonna be a long journey.

I'm curious still about what the fuck Sabrina was talking about when she said that I was Fuck, I.  I know everyone calls him "Red" now because of all the red he wears, but he's a legend! He caught all three legendary birds, he tamed Mewtwo, defeated the Elite Four with massively under-levelled Pokemon.  Hell, I don't even know if I could find him in here, let alone defeat him.

I know, I'll ask that guy up there!

Excuse me, sir, but would you happen to know where I might be able to find Fuck, I, the former Pokemon League Champion--?

Feraligatr, lvl 61
Ampharos, lvl 60
Jynx, lvl 59
Kadabra, lvl 58
Magmar, lvl 58
Pidgeot, lvl 58

Pokedex: 92, Badges: 16

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