Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Clever Girl...

Do you want to know where I found Heracross? Do you want to know fucking where?

Route 29...RIGHT OUTSIDE OF NEW FUCKING BARK! Why didn't I find you hiding in a tree by the berry-tree? Because I didn't have a Pokemon with Headbutt.

Clever girl...even though you're male.

So, I discovered that Rock Smash is fucking important.  VERY important.  I can't remember where to get it, but son of a bitch, I CAN'T GET ANYWHERE WITHOUT IT!

Except Olivine City, which is fucking worthless right now because you can't fight Jasmine.  Instead, you have to climb a lighthouse and find out that there's a sick Ampharos that's supposed to be the beacon.

Here's a question: does ANYONE in the Pokemon universe have a straight-up normal job? I think the only person who has any real-world qualifications outside of Pokemon shit is the captain of the S.S. Anne.  Really, guys, you go to school until you're ten years old, then BAM! Independence.  Harp seals prepare their young for the world better than the parents of Kanto and Johto.

So now I have to sail blindly out to Cianwood City and get some medicine.

Caught this, though.  I think I need him? He was great against Blaine.  Whatever.

So, check this sad shit out.  There's this Pokemanic out in Cianwood City who only has two Pokemon, but they're pretty rare, so he's very proud of them.  Then, out of nowhere, What-What-In-The-Butt, my rival, barges in a basically bullies this guy into giving him one of his Pokemon.

Fucking wow.

You're an asshole, dude! Suck an ass, ??? ! But hey, this dude from Cianwood trusts me all of a sudden, so I'm watching after his last Pokemon.

Never liked Shuckle.  Don't know why.  Maybe it's because you have to give the Shuckle back.  Well, doesn't much matter...he's staying in the computer.

I'm getting ready to fight Chuck and the Fighting-type trainers of the Cianwood City Gym, so I've got my Flying-types and my Psychic-type out for action, but funny thing happened on the way to the forum...

This woman right outside the gym was all like, "Hey, you swam here from Olivine? Too bad you didn't know Fly.  Say, if you beat Chuck, come back and see me and I'll give you something."

So, I'm assuming she's gonna give me HM 02, but I could REALLY use that shit now.  I'm noticing that a lot now: you get something that would have really helped with that battle after the fucking battle. It makes you find other outside-the-box ways to gain the advantage.  You're really gonna make me level up my Spearow?

Clever girl...

Haunter, lvl 26
Kadabra, lvl 25
Croconaw, lvl 23
Heracross, lvl 23
Pidgeotto, lvl 20
Spearow, lvl 17

Pokedex: 41, Badges: 4

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