Thursday, November 8, 2012

Eleka Nahmen Nahmen Ah Tum Ah Tum Eleka Nahmen!

Wow, that's a really specific joke.  If you don't get it, hopefully you'll get it soon.

The Nor'easter hit New Jersey and today (Thursday) snow was everywhere, and the ceilings at work were leaking all over everything.  Disgusting, but there's one thing you gotta do on a day like today...


The plan was to kill two birds with one stone, today:

This is one of the aforementioned birds.  Take him to the National Park, kill some bugs, and catch the highest-level Caterpie or Metapod I could find so I would soon get a Butterfree.

Caught him first because fuck it, I'm gonna get rid of him anyway.

Yay! Level 18! That's very good.  I level him once and he evolves into a functioning Metapod with Tackle.  I level him again and he's a Butterfree at level 20.

A level 18 Metapod? interesting choice here.  Do I want to get a Butterfree quicker, or do I want a stronger one with more attacks? Decisions, decisions.  Well, if I got a Rare Candy, then I could instantly get a Butterfree.  Alright, Metapod, you're in--

Oh.  Oh, I see.  A very interesting point you make there, Scyther. me a favor?

That's fucking right, asshole.  I don't have the time for your shit.  If anything, I'm gonna hold off on Scyther until I get back to Saffron City, because believe you me, shit isn't over between Sabrina and I.

You aren't shit, Sabrina! I was more than happy to lay the smack-down on you once before, but now I'm gonna make sure you don't EVER fucking forget it.  Every trainer that comes through your gym is going to beat your ass down with a Scyther if I have anything to say about it.  And why? Because FUCK YOUR ALAKAZAM AND FUCK RECOVER! You are an NPC and are not permitted to FUCK with the player as badly as you did.


Oh, why is this entry entitled something in gibberish?

Got me a Fearow now.

Still don't understand the joke? Have you seen Wicked? No? Go see Wicked.

Saw Wicked and don't understand the joke? Go see it again or go buy the soundtrack.

Do I have to fucking spell it out for you?!? If you haven't seen Wicked and don't know the story about it, but want to, then you're fucked because I'm going to spoil that Elphaba, she who would later become the Wicked Withc of the West, falls in love with this guy Fiyero who gets captured by the guards of Oz when he tries to interfere with an ambush meant for her.  So, when they're about to torture him in interrogation , she says this spell (see above) so that he wouldn't feel pain, but that ends up turning him into the Scarecrow because she doesn't do the spell perfectly.

Yes, you just fucking read that, so deal with it.  Get more theatre in your life.

And I don't mean a movie/television show that got turned into a musical or anything with some shit celebrity in it.  See a play you've never heard of starring people you don't know.  That's what theatre is: strangers begging you for love.

Also, what whores do.

Flaaffy, lvl 27
Haunter, lvl 26
Kadabra, lvl 25
Croconaw, lvl 23
Heracross, lvl 23
Spearow, lvl 23

Pokedex: 44, Badges: 4

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